January 30, 2018

Family Reunion in Oahu

Jan 23, 2018
My family is quite spread out with my parents in VA, my sister in Austin, my brother in Alaska, and me in Hawaii.  Despite the long distance, we usually try to get together annually.  This year was my turn to host.  My brother Thal and his newly-engaged fiance Julie were the first to arrive Tuesday night.

Jan 24, 2018
Thal, Julie, my friend Joe, and I met up at the Pali Lookout to go hiking.  Our original plan was to climb a dangerous hike called Pali Notches, but when we arrived at the trailhead, we witnessed a helicopter rescuing a 20 year old who had fallen 20 feet on the hike and sustained head injuries.
Instead of Pali Notches, we walked on the Old Pali Road until the commotion cleared, and then we did a nearby, somewhat less dangerous, hike called Pali Puka.
The kids weren't done hiking, so we went on a second hike called Pu'u Ma'eli'eli, which ends at a pillbox with a beautiful view of Kaneohe Bay.  Joe's wife Jenn met up with us for lunch at The Hibachi, a poke counter in Kailua.
My sister Lan, her husband George, and their children Milli and Drakeson flew in from Texas.  They arrived a little frazzled after a nightmare car rental experience.  Long story short, they waited in a long line, the car they reserved wasn't available, and they were charged more money than what was on their reservation.  They devoured some poke when they arrived.  Good food makes everything better.
Mom and Dad came in late that night after the Austin clan had gone to bed.  Their luggage was delayed, so we swung by Target for some toiletries and clothing.

Jan 25, 2018
Jenn rented a 12 person pontoon boat and took the entire crew out to the sandbar.  We spent the morning playing with ukuleles, snorkels, water tubes, and a frisbee out on the water.

Dad fainted three times while seated upright, and Bill, Thal, and I rushed him to the hospital.  George and Mom, who were running errands, met us there.  Fortunately, Dad was simply dehydrated and was discharged after receiving some reassuring lab tests/imaging and IV fluids.
Our original plans to go out to my favorite restaurant were cancelled, so Lan threw together a great salmon dinner for us.  We celebrated Christmas exactly one month late by announcing what each member in the family was gifted.  Mom got Askinosie chocolate, Dad got a SodaStream carbonator, George got an electric razor, Lan got a 5000 piece puzzle, Lien got a sound recorder for ukulele videos, Bill got a ticket to the Maui Film Festival, Thal got obedience classes for his dog Bella, and Julie got a Vitamix.

Jan 26, 2018
To continue our series of unfortunate events, Thal and Julie came down with a cold and I was feeling a little under the weather myself.  Mom, Dad, and the Austin clan spent the day at Kailua Beach.  Thal, Julie, and myself took the dogs on a walk, grabbed some fruit smoothies, and relaxed at home.
George, Lan, and Dad cooked up some steaks and homemade mac and cheese for dinner.  It was the first of several evenings of playing board games.  The games this trip were: King of Tokyo, Code Words, Oregon Trail, Pit, and Boggle.

Jan 27, 2018 
Bill was off over the weekend, and joined my 8 family members and me for the day.  Dad cooked us Pfannkuchen (German pancakes) for breakfast.  We hiked Aiea Loop and went out to lunch at Marukame Udon.


George, Julie, and I grabbed dessert at Frostcity.

For dinner, George made us sausage and shrimp gumbo with rice.

July 28, 2018
One of Julie's hobbies is Aerial silks and she arranged a private group lesson for herself, Mom, Lan, Bill, Joe and me.  On the way home, we grabbed some poke, musubi, takoyaki, and creme puffs at the mall to bring home for lunch.

Mom, Dad, Bill, Thal, Julie, and I took the dogs hiking at Koko Head.   Thal, Bill, and I lingered at the top to watch pods of whales.

Lan and George spent the day cooking up an amazing dinner of ribs, kässpätzle, and crepe cake. 
Jenn and Joe joined the family for dinner and board games.

Jan 29, 2018
We split into two groups to go hiking.  The three Kratzke siblings and Lan's family went to Likeke Waterfall.  My parents and Julie went to Makapu'u Point where they saw lots of whales.

The family met up at Kalama for another beach day. Lan lost her prescription sunglasses in the ocean.
The Austin clan, Mom, and I went to Smooth Tea for smoothies.  We made some kava at Mom's request but it was a bust and nobody felt the effects.  Mom and Dad flew home in the evening.  Lan and I made an ukulele video together.

Jan 29, 2018
Lan and her family left early in the morning.  On our last day, I took Thal and Julie to the Macademia Nut Farm.  

We went out to poke and kava for lunch, but the kava was again too weak to feel anything.
Bill joined us for dinner, which was at Thai Lao based on Thal's request for clay pot fish.  Thal and I made an ukulele video, and then the Alaska couple flew home that night.  It was strange to suddenly go from 10 people in the house back to 2. 

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