March 16, 2016


In Saigon, I met up with Karen (my cousin who I hadn't seen in 7 years), Quyen (a friend of a friend that I met while traveling in Thailand last year), Phuong (Quyen's coworker), and Zidane (Quyen's dog).

The 5 of us spent two days touring Nam Cat Tien Forest, which is a 3-4 hour drive outside of Saigon.  The good: eating coconuts while lying in a hammock, watching monkeys in trees, and seeing puppies.
The bad: going to a waterfall that wasn't flowing, going to a river to swim which was too gross for swimming (this picture was as far as we were willing to go), and hiking to a crocodile lake which had no crocodiles. 

The ugly: getting 50 mosquito bites and Quyen crashing her company car into a pole.
I spent a day in Saigon catching up with three friends I had made while I was a medical student 5 years ago.  I learned that Vietnamese massages are the best massages in the world, and confirmed that Vietnamese food is the best food in the world.

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